
Tokenomics of APE 2.0:

Total Supply: APE 2.0 has a total token supply of 420,690,000,000,000 tokens. This fixed supply ensures a clear understanding of the token's availability and scarcity within the ecosystem.

Buy Tax: APE 2.0 implements a 0% buy tax, meaning there are no additional fees or taxes applied to token purchases. This encourages users to acquire APE 2.0 tokens without any additional financial burden.

Sell Tax: APE 2.0 applies a 3% sell tax on each sale transaction. This tax is designed to contribute to various aspects of the project, such as liquidity provision, marketing efforts, community development, and sustainability.

Security: To enhance transparency and community trust, the ownership of APE 2.0 will be renounced after the token launch. This ensures that the project is decentralized and removes the possibility of any centralized control or manipulation.

These tokenomics are designed to create a balanced and sustainable ecosystem for APE 2.0. By implementing a low sell tax and renouncing ownership, APE 2.0 aims to foster a fair and decentralized community-driven project that benefits all participants.

Please note that tokenomics may be subject to change, and it is recommended to refer to the official documentation and whitepaper of APE 2.0 for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Last updated